In English

MCS Sweden!

Welcome to the brand new MCS Organization in Sweden! This site is under construction and will soon be presented to you in English. Meanwhile you will have to settle for this brief text!


MCS, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a big problem in Sweden as well as in other countries. We hope to connect very soon with other MCS organizations to be able to exchange experiences, knowledge and hopefully cooperate for a chemical free world!


MCS Sweden´s goal is to help people who are damaged by mold or chemicals to function as fully members of society.


Our mission is to by the members’ conditions and needs develop activities contributing to the individual’s quality of life,

– Impact on society and combat discrimination of people with chemical sensitivities,

– Ensure that the diagnose MCS is recognized,

– To provide the individual member with the tools to assert their rights in society,

– Inform about the risks of chemicals and mold,

– Operate for a non-toxic living!


Please feel free to contact us on!